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CVESPA speaks out against school closings

There has been a great deal of rhetoric coming from the communities regarding the closure of three English elementary schools in the Chateauguay Valley. Obviously this has hit a raw nerve with the communities affected and rightly so. All too often we see bureaucratic decisions being made without reaction from the general public given that people in general feel there is little, if anything, that can be done to change the course of events. In this case, however, the community is voicing strong opposition to the proposed plan based on well-founded reasons. The growth, or the disintegration, of a closely-knit community is directly affected by the presence of a school within that community. The community has historical ties to the schools slated for closure and community spirit starts in these schools. To bus children to a distant location strips them of the opportunity to establish bonds within their home environment and to be proud of their roots. These children are denied the comfort or security of knowing home is just a short distance away.

The rural communities are what give the Valley its character and sense of community spirit. Maintaining its institutions is an integral part of preserving their culture. The community must stand up and fight for what is rightfully theirs and not let bureaucrats dictate what will be. To close 50% of the elementary schools in the Valley is a radical move with one objective only and that is to accommodate the bottom line accounting of the New Frontiers School Board using declining student enrolment as the reason. However the fallout for the future could have far reaching implications. We bemoan the fact that our culture is being eroded by language laws yet an English language school board is ripping away the very fiber that binds our communities together. The closure of these schools takes away one of the most important English institutions, in some cases the only one, of the community thereby obliterating the English community's identity. It is the crux of the entire matter and this action will affect the future and bend history accordingly.

Would one not reason that if 50% of the schools are closing then perhaps the board staff should be reduced proportionately and taxes reduced accordingly? But we know that will not happen.

CVESPA, serving the English-speaking people of Southwest Quebec vehemently opposes the closing of these schools before any and all alternative avenues have been explored to the satisfaction of the community within reasonable time and without the school board imposing deadlines. The New Frontiers School Board has been entrusted with the management of the educational system on behalf of the community they serve. They must learn that the voice of the people is the only one that counts. It is time to put aside the fluff and get into some hardcore negotiation with the community.

Listen to the voice of the people.

Neil Burdon
Executive Director

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