Prince Edward Point
a.k.a. Point Traverse, Long Point
Prince Edward County, Ontario

Prince Edward Point Lighthouse by Alland Short

Sun on Lake Ontario by Marilyn Holland

Tug boat by Marilyn Holland

Low water and lighthouse by Marilyn Holland

Bird banding station by Mary Sinclair

Bird banding by Marilyn Holland

Purple aster by Liz Christie

Tugboat by Liz Christie

Lighthouse by Liz Christie

Islands in Lake Ontario by Marilyn Holland

Prince Edward Point Lighthouse by Allan Short
Point Traverse by Mary Sinclair

Tugboat by Mary Sinclair

Point Traverse by Allan Short

Low water reflections by Daphne Creasy

Tugboat by Daphne Creasy

Dragonfly on old paint by Daphne Creasy

Long Point by Liz Christie

Bird-banding station by Liz Christie

Prince Edward Point Lighthouse by Daphne Creasy

Flower seeds by Daphne Creasy

Swallow nests by Daphne Creasy

Island view by Daphne Creasy

Milkweed seed by Liz Christie

Lighthouse by Liz Christie

Lighthouse by Mary Sinclair

Tugboat at Point Traverse by Allan Short
Autumn bloom by Mary Sinclair
Sea shells by Mary Sinclair
The bow by Mary Sinclair
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